<?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- Configuration file for the Branded Alexa Toolbar --> <!-- For more information, and to get your own toolbar, visit --> <!-- http://cgi.alexa.com/associates/cgi-bin/signup.cgi --> <Alexa> <AssociateID>yourassociate-id</AssociateID> 上面提到的,如果没有要去申请(这个地址:http://associates.amazon.com/) <Name>Your Company Name Here</Name> 网站名称 <LinkUrl>Your site address</LinkUrl> 网址 <ImageUrl>http://www.mycompany.com/images/toolbar.giF</ImageUrl> 图标网址 </Alexa>
把生成的xml网址填在这里,如填上http://www.*****.com/toolbar.xml,再点Go get it!这个按钮!
Associate ID: 5-20 如果没有,要去 http://www.amazon.com/associates/ 申请 Name to show in menu: 51网络之家 网站名称 Site to link to: http://www.21cnsky.com 网址 Using image: http://www.21cnsky.com/ilogo.giF 嵌入工具条的图标,宽160px,高21px Image width: 160 Image height: 21