WWW.DBIT.CN 2006-11-25 21:22:31 热度: |
Do you want to display the logical drive information (Y/N)? 你想显示逻辑分区的信息吗
Display Logical DOS Drive Information 显示逻辑分区信息
Enter partition size in Mbytes or percent of disk space (%) to create a Primary DOS Partition... 输入所建立主DOS分区的容量,单位是百分比
Enter logical drive size in Mbytes or percent of disk space (%)... 请输入逻辑分区容量大小或磁盘空间的百分比
Enter Volume Label? 请输入卷标
Enter partition size in Mbytes or percent of disk space (%)to create an Extended DOS Partition.... 请输入扩展DOS分区的容量大小或磁盘空间的百分比
Do you wish to use the maximum available size for a Primary DOS Partition 你想使用全部磁盘空间作为主DOS分区吗
Change Current Fixed Disk Drive . Enter Fixed Disk Drive Number (X) 当你挂接两个以上硬盘时,在FDISK的系统菜单中将多一个第5项,选择第5项时,将提示:请输入硬盘的序号
Fixed Disk Drive Status 硬盘状态
Data in the deleted Primary DOS Partition will be lost.What primary partition do you want to delete?Do you wish to continue (Y/N)? DOS主分区中的数据将全部丢失。你准备删除哪个主分区?你想继续吗
Data in the deleted Non-DOS Partition will be lost.What Non-DOS partition do you want to delete?Do you wish to continue (Y/N)? 非DOS分区的数据将全部丢失。你准备删除哪一个非DOS分区?你要继续吗
You MUST restart your system for your changes to take effect 你必须重新启动你的计算机你所做的所有改变才有效
Any drives you have created or changed must be formatted 你新建的分区或改变的分区必须被格式化后才可用
Shut down Windows before restarting 在重启之前请关闭Windows
Press Esc to exit FDISK 按Esc退出FDISK
This drive is FAT16 by default, switch to FAT32 (Y/N)? 这个驱动器默认是FAT16模式,真的转换为FAT32模式吗
This drive must be FAT32 because its size is > 2048 MB 当分区的空间大于2048MB时,这个分区必须使用FAT32磁盘数据格式
This drive must be FAT16 because its size is too small to be FAT32 因为这个分区对于FAT32格式来说太小,所以这个分区只能使用FAT16格式 |